Wargrave Local History Society
Christmas Party - 2000
Christmas Party
12 December 2000
The Wargrave Local History Society held a successful Christmas Party in December, when Geoff
Briggs arranged an enjoyable audio visual presentation as an entertainment. The first part of the
programme was ‘a tour’ of Greys Court, the property near Henley acquired by the National Trust
in 1969, which was followed by ‘a visit’ to Longstock Water Gardens, near Stockbridge,
Hampshire, and then a section on the Rain Forest at Hampstead Norreys (complete with sound
effects - sounding rather like the weather outside!). The programme continued with a look at
Portmerion in north Wales, and concluded with ‘Autumn’, composed of views at Cliveden and the
Hillier Arboretum. The audience were enthralled with the beautiful photography, as one image
merged into the next, all accompanied by appropriate background music. The evening concluded
with festive fare that had been prepared by Helen de Carles and a punch to Dick Worthy’s
traditional recipe.