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Sonning Walk - August 2023

In August, a group of Society members had a guided historic walk around the neighbouring village of Sonning.

Member David Williams has kindly made available some photographs (available via the link on the right) taken during the walk, including some fascinating views from the top of the church tower


Roger and Yvonne Free

Roger Free, one time headmaster of the Piggott Junior School, sadly died recently, along with his wife Yvonne. They spent several happy years living in Wargrave and were actively involved with village life.

Throughout his long life Roger kept an extremely detailed journal and he had the foresight to record his memories as a 6 volume work. He would have liked to have had them published but his cousin is making them available online - follow the link on the right

DSF1 - 3 are complete with images but for DSF4, 5 and 6 what is available is the text plus a list of images that Roger had intended to insert but ran out of time.

Many Wargrave residents will remember Roger and Yvonne and may find their memoirs of interest. The section concerning Roger's time in Wargrave starts on page 74 of DSF4 (which is page 78 of the pdf file), and continues into DSF5.

Apart from being the head of the junior school, Roger was an editor of the Wargrave News, and became involved with the Wargrave Village Festival - as seen in the photograph from 1981 when he appeared as a country yokel. Yvonne wrote a chapter in The Book of Wargrave, and was on the committee of Wargrave Local History Society from 1983 to 1985. After living in Dorset for a while, they moved to Henley in late 2022, but had only been in their new home a couple of weeks when Yvonne fell and broke her hip. She died in March 2023, and Roger in April


Wargrave - A Potted History of the Village - 1998

B17F Flying Fortress Memorial Dedication Service - November 2014

HCS album cover-sm.jpg

Photograph Albums from Harriette Cooke Smith - April 2009


The A’Bear Family - May 2002

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Last updated: 5th February 2025

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